Relax and Let Go

Relax and Let Go

Alternatives to a Valium, wine or a joint. Classes, meditations and practises for slowing down, releasing and relaxing.

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Relax and Let Go

    Physical, emotional and mental releases will leave you energised and feeling bright and full of vitality. Gentle flowing movements and energy awareness open the body and energetic channels, remove stagnation and deliver a sense of openness and well-being.

  • Deeper IN - Mini Deep Core and IN Mash Up with Steve

    An effective de-stressing floor series to open hips, hamstrings, spine, quads and shoulders.
    Spine Balancing, Saddle, Twisted Child, Runners Stretch, Froggie, Shoulder Opening, Cow Face, Reclining Half Moon and Moore - the class gradually goes deeper in. Take half an hour out to reconnect and d...

  • The Mechanics of Breath Retentions with Michele in Tuscany

    A relaxing, breathing exercise to connect us with the reception/release energetics of breath. Learn how to place the 3 retention locks and how to feel the breath with the whole body.
    Always ensure you are comfortable, do not strain or hold the breath longer than is comfortable.

    What you will ne...

  • Top to Toe Stretch with Michele in Spain

    A relaxing stretch with a punch. Work from feet, through spine, shoulders, hips, legs and up into your neck. Some leg and spine strengtheners add some spice to this floor based deep stretch sequence. Leave feeling stretched out and with a calmer, more open outlook!

    Bring: a brick if your knees ...

  • Back Strengthening Sequence 30 with Kam

    A section of poses from our stabilisation class S.O.B class that improve the lower back through psoas release, muscular strength, flexibility and whole body integration. Yoga and physiotherapy poses cross over to provide a satisfying sequence for all levels and for the fit as well as anyone exper...

  • Yoga Nidra in the Forest with Michele

    Michele leads a short Yoga Nidra, a journey through the workings of the mind, to help us drop the mind and allow the feeling-being to awaken. Yoga Nidra helps us to connect more deeply with ourselves, our body, breath and relaxed state. Enjoy the sounds of nature in the Tuscan forest.

  • IN Group Class with Michele in Italy

    A deep, slow class, based entirely on the floor.

    This class is yoga physiotherapy, deeply correcting, aligning and releasing.
    You will open your hips, spine, neck, shoulders and wrists carefully, deeply and softly. You will get flexible in slow holds, stronger in stationary core activators, pass...

  • Yoga Nidra with Michele in Italy 17 mins

    This Nidra takes you through a journey that will deepen your relaxation and connect you deeply with your body, breath, feelings and deepest life intentions.

    Relax to the sound of the Nidra instruction with the sounds of cicadas in the forest setting.

  • IN the WILD with Tuuli in Tuscany

    A 28 minute blend of Wild and IN poses - repetitive movements based on the breath to open the body, followed by deep slow stretches.

    Suitable for all levels.
    A block can be useful if you are feeling a bit stiff or have knee issues.

  • S.O.B. (Stiff, Old or Broken) Knees 45 with Kam

    Kam takes you through the knee aligning and strengthening poses from our popular foundation and alignment class S.O.B as ell as some the other popular whole body poses. The class builds muscular support and stabilisation for the muscles of the whole body but this class concentrates on the legs, t...

  • Livestream Deep Core 75 with Anysa

    The deepest stretch out there in our ever popular Deep Core class taught by Anysa.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff. Foundation standing poses improve alignment while this mainly floor based class allows us to drop any desire to “perform” w...

  • Deep Stretch, Deep Core, Go IN with Michele

    Michele combines the deepest stretch poses from Deep Core and IN to specifically release hips, legs, glutes, spine, pelvis, hamstrings, quads, shoulders, neck, and wrists.
    Stretch and relax.

    All levels
    Demonstrated by Oscar

  • Deep Core 90 with Steve

    Our popular Deep Core class taught by Steve. A slower version to give you extra time to settle into the deep hip, leg, pelvis spine and neck stretches.

  • Uplift and Relax with Michele in Italy

    The one where Michele gets mauled by feral cat Grey Boy. Twice. 11 minutes of mood boosting opening poses and breath work, followed by ten minutes of affirmations and a deep guided relaxation. Guaranteed to leave you feeling renewed both mentally and physically. Extra cat-attack giggle factor inc...

  • Complete Leg Stretching with Michele in Tuscany

    A warm up prepares legs, hips and spine for gradually deepening stretches. Standing warrior poses, slow drills and hip and leg stretching poses will being balance, freedom and openness to all the leg, glute and hip muscles. A must for runners, yogis or anyone wanting to improve their yoga, genera...

  • Partner Stretching 15 with Michele and Kam

    Waiting for dinner to be ready? Don't waste it. This short class suitable for any level opens the body up through simple assisted stretches, massages and releases. Filmed during lockdown, it shows how a small space is enough to perform some great stretches. Shoulders, legs, hips and spine get som...

  • Deep Core 75 Livestream #4 with Michele

    Deep Core is a stretch class that includes an aligning warm up, then moves to the floor to open and realign hips and lower back. Time is spent on the flexibility of legs, hips. The "true core" is the centre of the body, hips, pelvis and lower back, so learning correct alignment is key.


  • IN 30 Group Class with Michele in Tuscany

    A short version of our usual 75 minute class here we focus on legs, hips and spine. IN 30 in a Tuscan forest with a group of yogis. We first warm up in a whole body routine, then progress more and more deeply INwards. We finish with deep restorative relaxation.

  • Deep Core Floor 40 with Michele

    Michele takes you through the 40 minute floor series of our ever popular Deep Core Class. Stretch and open hips, legs and pelvis without ever having to stand up.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff. Suitable for beginners and advanced student...

  • Deep Core 75 with Michele

    The deepest stretch out there.

    Our popular Deep Core class taught by Michele Pernetta.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff. Suitable for beginners and advanced students alike, Deep Core focusses mainly on the flexibility and alignment of our...

  • Calming and Grounding Yoga with Oscar

    Take a smooth and slow 20 minutes to calm down, reconnect, and feel grounded.

    This original sequence filmed specially for FGTV On Demand will help you to relax and let go, and is taught by Oscar Stevenson.

    Enjoy deep and steady hip stretches, downward dog, forward folds, and spine twists. An i...

  • IN 75 with Kam

    Improve joint mobility and open your whole body while gradually getting wound down, de-stressed and softened in our popular IN class taught by Kam.

    This entirely floor based yoga/physiotherapy class will reach deeper in to muscle, joints and attachments, releasing and stretching deeply. Releas...

  • Deep Core 75 with Camilla

    The deepest stretch out there.

    Our popular Deep Core class taught by Camilla.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff. Suitable for beginners and advanced students alike, Deep Core focusses mainly on the flexibility and alignment of our “true co...

  • Deep Core Groove in Tuscany with Michele

    Get a taste for our annual Tuscany retreat as Michele takes you through a relaxed 70 minute version of Deep Core from the yoga deck of our Tuscany Retreat centre La Chimera.

    There is a suggested playlist below, to help you loosen up more deeply.

    A slightly different take on this popular class ...