20 - 30 minutes

20 - 30 minutes

In a rush? Try 30 minute versions of FG system classes or even short tutorials and targeted sequences.

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20 - 30 minutes
  • Quick Fix with Tuuli in Spain

    Get a faster Fix by practicing the condensed version in sunny garden

    This is a super-charged class designed to maintain your practice when you are high on motivation but low on time. The Fix blends elements of all the classes, including the key foundation poses, core strength upper body and ab c...

  • Deeper IN - Mini Deep Core and IN Mash Up with Steve

    An effective de-stressing floor series to open hips, hamstrings, spine, quads and shoulders.
    Spine Balancing, Saddle, Twisted Child, Runners Stretch, Froggie, Shoulder Opening, Cow Face, Reclining Half Moon and Moore - the class gradually goes deeper in. Take half an hour out to reconnect and d...

  • Deep Core 30 con Laura

    Lo stretching più profondo nella nostra sempre popolare classe Deep Core insegnata da Laura.

    Questa versione condensata di Deep Core ti offre il meglio della classe cult che è preferita sia dagli uomini che dalle donne, dagli atleti ai più rigidi.

    Le posture in piedi sono le fondamenta che migl...

  • IN 30 con Giulia in Positano

    Migliora la mobilità articolare e di tutto il tuo corpo mentre gradualmente ti rilassi, ti liberi dallo stress e ti lasci assorbire nella classe IN, una tra le più richieste.

    Questa lezione di yoga/fisioterapia si svolge interamente a terra e va a lavorare molto in profondità sia i muscoli sia l...

  • FIIT 30 con Giulia


    Cosa succede quando lo yoga classico incontra il tradizionale Bootcamp e gli esercizi cardio in un formato di allenamento a intervalli ad alta intensità? Una fusione est/ovest che ti fa FIIT VELOCEEE.

    Aspettati un riscaldamen...

  • Primal 30 con Laura

    Il movimento funzionale incontra il flusso animale che incontra a sua volta Fierce Grace. Recupera la tua libertà primitiva con la nostra lezione popolare Primal tenuta da Laura.

    Sempre presenti le pose di base chiave del sistema FG, tutto concentrato in 30 minuti. La sequenza dei Guerrieri vien...

  • HIIT Body Balance with Richard

    Rich takes you through a mobility series and then into strength smart HIIT drills with a brief rest between sets. Expect to strengthen your entire body and build stamina in this super charged, effective and fun workout suitable for all levels.

    Demonstrated by Sarah Buckenham

  • HIIT Workout #2 with PMAC

    Upper Body Exercise (e.g., push-ups, dumbbell press)
    30 seconds of intense exercise
    50 seconds of rest

    Lower Body Exercise (e.g., squats, lunges)
    30 seconds of intense exercise
    50 seconds of rest

    Abs Exercise (e.g., crunches, planks)
    30 seconds of intense exercise
    50 seconds of rest


  • Speedy WILD 30 with Tuuli

    An energising workout in 30 minutes. Breath-based movements for cardiovascular awakening, strength training, and mobilisation. This class will get you super-fit, while the breath work clears your mind and calms the soul.

  • 25 minute Runners & Cyclists Stretch with Michele

    An innovative series of stretches for the entire body focussing on the muscles of the legs, hips, quads, calves, Achilles, feet, lower back, pelvis, and hamstrings. Deeply release tightness, tease out tired muscles and aid recovery after a tough leg workout.

    Suitable for all levels - athletes, r...

  • Back Strengthening Sequence 30 with Kam

    A section of poses from our stabilisation class S.O.B class that improve the lower back through psoas release, muscular strength, flexibility and whole body integration. Yoga and physiotherapy poses cross over to provide a satisfying sequence for all levels and for the fit as well as anyone exper...

  • HIIT Body Blast 27 min with Richard

    Rich takes you through a series of strengthening exercises to get your heart and breath pumping, and your arms, legs, glutes and abs powered up. An intense Hiit/Yoga blend, you'll want to add this to your weekly fitness regime.
    A great way to start or finish your day, you'll feel energised and sc...

  • IN and WILD 22 minute Mash Up with Michele in Tuscany

    Start with poses from our Wild Class and finish with poses from IN (with a few surprises.)

    Work legs, back, arms, breath, stamina and raise your heart rate. Then stretch, release tight muscles and fascia in spine, hips, arms, legs, hands, shoulders and chest and release your breath.

  • FG2 Mash Up with Michele in Spain

    FG2 is a more intermediate version of our Fierce Grace class. This creative mash up has two different Sun Salutation sequences to warm you up and work your abdominals. Followed by a combination of Warrior poses, safe arm and shoulder strengthening, back bending, leg and hip flexor stretches, more...

  • IN the WILD with Tuuli in Tuscany

    A 28 minute blend of Wild and IN poses - repetitive movements based on the breath to open the body, followed by deep slow stretches.

    Suitable for all levels.
    A block can be useful if you are feeling a bit stiff or have knee issues.

  • HIIT 30 #2 with Richard

    An energetic 30 minute body weight workout incorporating functional movements, yoga, cardio, core stability and a yoga warm down. This well rounded session will leave you feeling invigorated and relaxed ready for your day.

    Demonstrated by Olga.

  • WILD 30 #2 with Kam

    A 30 minute taster session of our uplifting cardio-kundalini, sculpting, strength class.

    GET RIPPED (not torn.) WILD is a unique combination of Yoga’s strength poses, Kundalini Yoga, Core strengthening, Qui Gong, HIIT and Super Slow training. Constant movement combined with long slow strength h...

  • HIIT Me Up 30 with Daniel

    Daniel's 30 minute workout blends HIIT with cardio, yoga, strength and flexibility. Expect a blast with a faster pace and plenty of motivation.

    You will work stamina, glutes, arms legs and abs. A warm down stretch will leave you feeling energised, loose and raring to go.

    Suitable for all levels.

  • Fierce Arms 20 Minute Blast with Daniel

    A short version of our Fierce Arms workout for when you're short on time. Expect a hardcore 20 minutes to target each and every muscle in your upper body.

    This invigorating condensed set will leave you feeling strong but open and ready to take on your day.

    Suitable for all levels - even if yo...

  • Stretch and Strengthen with Oscar

    A 20 minute boost combining upper body strengthening, classical stretches, Planks, Down Dogs, arm balancing and breath work.

    An energising warm up, followed by arm and whole body strengthening, and finishing with a series of stretches.

  • HIIT 30 with Richard

    Richard's 30 minute workout blends HIIT with cardio, yoga, strength, and flexibility. Expect a blast with a faster pace and plenty of motivation.

    You will work stamina, glutes, arms legs, and abs. A warm down stretch will leave you feeling energised, loose, and raring to go.

    Demonstrated by Olga.

  • Merry Mash-Up with Michele

    A rounded yoga class that combines poses from Fix, FG and FG2 with some new variations and sequencing. 25 minutes will fire up, tone, stretch and strengthen.

  • Trikonasana tutorial

    Taken from our teachers' tutorials, this 18 minute video will ensure you have the tools you need to teach this pose to all levels, and to practise with correct alignment in this master pose, no matter your level. A useful tool for teachers and students alike.

  • Uplift and Relax with Michele in Italy

    The one where Michele gets mauled by feral cat Grey Boy. Twice. 11 minutes of mood boosting opening poses and breath work, followed by ten minutes of affirmations and a deep guided relaxation. Guaranteed to leave you feeling renewed both mentally and physically. Extra cat-attack giggle factor inc...