De-stress, Calm and Sleep with Michele
Relax and Sleep
A short yoga sequence and breathing exercise to quieten the mind and stretch the body, with specific emphasis on poses that calm the nervous system and stimulate the "feel good" and sleep-wake cycle hormones.
Hands to Feet Pose, Prasarita Pose, Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose all stretch the spine and legs, and bring the head below the heart to quiet the mind and stimulate the glands. Yogi Toes stretches upper body, feet and quads, and brings a massaging action to the lower back and kidney area. Cobbler opens hips while drawing our attention within to deeply connect, and Reclining Spine Twist relaxes the nervous system while massaging and detoxing the internal abdominal organs.
We finish with a calming Pranayama breathing exercise to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and to bring a sense of peace, while a final breath awareness practise brings a deeper connection with ourselves.
Props: None unless stiff then have twp blocks or books
Level: All levels
Demonstrated by Nicola Frost.