Classes to help you expand and soften

Classes to help you expand and soften

Work on Grace qualities like flexibility and relaxation with Deep Core, IN and S.O.B.

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Classes to help you expand and soften
  • Top to Toe Stretch with Michele in Spain

    A relaxing stretch with a punch. Work from feet, through spine, shoulders, hips, legs and up into your neck. Some leg and spine strengtheners add some spice to this floor based deep stretch sequence. Leave feeling stretched out and with a calmer, more open outlook!

    Bring: a brick if your knees ...

  • Mechanics of Retention Breath with Michele in Tuscany

    A relaxing 11 minute breathing exercise to connect us with the reception/release energetics of breath. Learn how to place the retention locks and how to feel the breath with the whole body.

    What you will need: Ensure you are sitting comfortably, so sit on a brick or pad or cushion to ensure you ...

  • 25 minute Marathon Stretch with Michele

    An innovative series of stretches for the entire body focussing on the muscles of the legs, hips, quads, calves, Achilles, feet, lower back, pelvis, and hamstrings. Deeply release tightness, tease out tired muscles and aid recovery after a tough leg workout.

    Suitable for all levels - athletes, r...

  • IN and WILD 22 minute Mash Up with Michele in Tuscany

    Start with poses from our Wild Class and finish with poses from IN (with a few surprises.)

    Work legs, back, arms, breath, stamina and raise your heart rate. Then stretch, release tight muscles and fascia in spine, hips, arms, legs, hands, shoulders and chest and release your breath.

  • Yoga Nidra in the Forest with Michele

    Michele leads a short Yoga Nidra, a journey through the workings of the mind, to help us drop the mind and allow the feeling-being to awaken. Yoga Nidra helps us to connect more deeply with ourselves, our body, breath and relaxed state. Enjoy the sounds of nature in the Tuscan forest.

  • IN Group Class with Michele in Italy

    A deep, slow class, based entirely on the floor.

    This class is yoga physiotherapy, deeply correcting, aligning and releasing.
    You will open your hips, spine, neck, shoulders and wrists carefully, deeply and softly. You will get flexible in slow holds, stronger in stationary core activators, pass...

  • IN the WILD with Tuuli in Tuscany

    A 28 minute blend of Wild and IN poses - repetitive movements based on the breath to open the body, followed by deep slow stretches.

    Suitable for all levels.
    A block can be useful if you are feeling a bit stiff or have knee issues.

  • Livestream Deep Core 75 with Anysa

    The deepest stretch out there in our ever popular Deep Core class taught by Anysa.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff. Foundation standing poses improve alignment while this mainly floor based class allows us to drop any desire to “perform” w...

  • Deep Stretch, Deep Core, Go IN with Michele

    Michele combines the deepest stretch poses from Deep Core and IN to specifically release hips, legs, glutes, spine, pelvis, hamstrings, quads, shoulders, neck, and wrists.
    Stretch and relax.

    All levels
    Demonstrated by Oscar

  • Deep Core 75 con Laura

    Lo stretching più profondo che offriamo nel sistema FG è Deep Core, la nostra classe più richiesta.

    Questa ‘classe cult’ è la preferita sia dagli uomini che dalle donne indifferentemente, così come dagli atleti e dai più rigidi e poco flessibili.

    La sequenza base in piedi migliora l'allineamen...

  • IN 75 with Michele

    Improve joint mobility and open your whole body while gradually getting wound down, de-stressed and softened in our popular IN class taught by Michele Pernetta. Mich will give you tips along the way to improve your practise

    This entirely floor based yoga/physiotherapy class will reach deeper in ...

  • IN 60 con Giulia

    Migliora la mobilità articolare e di tutto il tuo corpo mentre gradualmente ti rilassi, ti liberi dallo stress e ti lasci assorbire nella classe IN, una tra le più richieste.

    Questa lezione di yoga/fisioterapia si svolge interamente a terra e va a lavorare molto in profondità sia i muscoli sia l...

  • Livestream Deep Core 60 with Alice

    The deepest stretch out there in our ever popular Deep Core class taught by Alice.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff.

    Foundation standing poses improve alignment while this mainly floor based class allows us to drop any desire to “perform” ...

  • Deep Core 90 with Steve

    Our popular Deep Core class taught by Steve. A slower version to give you extra time to settle into the deep hip, leg, pelvis spine and neck stretches.

  • S.O.B. 75 with Kam (Recorded livestream from FG North)

    A recorded live S.O.B. (Stiff, Old or Broken) class filmed at Fierce Grace North.

    S.O.B. is our yoga-physio class for the injured, the stiff, unfit is a powerful tool in injury rehabilitation, as well as a foundational class for technique. It provides muscle strengthening and stabilisation and ...

  • Deep Core 75 Livestream with Gemma

    The deepest stretch out there in our ever popular Deep Core class taught by Gemma.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff.

    Foundation standing poses improve alignment while this mainly floor based class allows us to drop any desire to “perform” ...

  • Livestream IN 75 with Lotte

    Improve joint mobility and open your whole body while gradually getting wound down, de-stressed and softened in our popular IN class taught by Lotte and demonstrated by Sian on a recorded Livestream.

    This entirely floor based yoga/physiotherapy class will reach deeper in to muscle, joints and a...

  • Deep Core 75 Livestream #4 with Michele

    Deep Core is a stretch class that includes an aligning warm up, then moves to the floor to open and realign hips and lower back. Time is spent on the flexibility of legs, hips. The "true core" is the centre of the body, hips, pelvis and lower back, so learning correct alignment is key.


  • Deep Core 75 Livestream with Lotte

    The deepest stretch out there in our ever popular Deep Core class taught by Lotte.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff.

    Foundation standing poses improve alignment while this mainly floor based class allows us to drop any desire to “perform” ...

  • IN 30 Group Class with Michele in Tuscany

    A short version of our usual 75 minute class here we focus on legs, hips and spine. IN 30 in a Tuscan forest with a group of yogis. We first warm up in a whole body routine, then progress more and more deeply INwards. We finish with deep restorative relaxation.

  • Deep Core 75 with Michele in Tuscany

    Michele guides this group class through a stabilising opening sequence concentrating on alignment. She then moves you into ever deepening leg, hip, glutei, pelvis and spine openings.

    Suitable for all levels.
    Blocks and strap useful for anyone with stiffness, knee issues or tight shoulders.


  • Deep Core 30 with Michele

    The deepest stretch out there in our ever popular Deep Core class taught by FG founder Michele.

    This condensed version of Deep Core brings you the best of the cult class that is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff.

    Foundation standing poses improve alignment w...

  • Deep Core 30 #2 (Legs) with Michele

    Practice key leg stretching yoga poses from our Deep Core class. Expect slow deep stretches to open up hamstrings, abductors, glutes and hip flexors.

    In this #2 version of Deep Core 30, Michele will guide you through safe steps, with guidance for props for the stiffer practitioner, or deeper op...

  • Deep Core 75 Group Studio Class with Michele

    The deepest stretch out there.

    Our popular Deep Core class taught by FG founder Michele in a group setting.

    This cult class is favoured by both men and women alike, from athletes to the very stiff. Suitable for beginners and advanced students alike, Deep Core focusses mainly on the flexibilit...