FG the desk

FG the desk

Release your neck, back, arms and hands. A selection of classes that act as a total desk-detox for the hunched and scrunched.

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FG the desk
  • Back Strengthening Sequence 30 with Kam

    A section of poses from our stabilisation class S.O.B class that improve the lower back through psoas release, muscular strength, flexibility and whole body integration. Yoga and physiotherapy poses cross over to provide a satisfying sequence for all levels and for the fit as well as anyone exper...

  • IN and WILD 22 minute Mash Up with Michele in Tuscany

    Start with poses from our Wild Class and finish with poses from IN (with a few surprises.)

    Work legs, back, arms, breath, stamina and raise your heart rate. Then stretch, release tight muscles and fascia in spine, hips, arms, legs, hands, shoulders and chest and release your breath.

  • FG2 60 with Michele

    FG2 60 is a shorter variation of FG2 90/75 with new sequencing in the warrior series, a more intense balancing series, and new arms and abs. It may be shorter but don’t be fooled by the length - you’ll get a power-packed 60-minute workout and burn plenty of calories.

    Props: 2 bricks/blocks and a...

  • S.O.B. (Stiff, Old or Broken) Knees 45 with Kam

    Kam takes you through the knee aligning and strengthening poses from our popular foundation and alignment class S.O.B as ell as some the other popular whole body poses. The class builds muscular support and stabilisation for the muscles of the whole body but this class concentrates on the legs, t...

  • Back and Neck S.O.S with Michele

    Release, stretch, strengthen and lengthen your entire back, neck, and shoulders.

    This 20 minute reset for achy and stiff lower and upper backs, tight necks and locked up shoulders will not just leave you with more freedom and space, but also bring more stability to your core and spine.

    Yoga b...

  • Neck, Shoulder and Upper Back Release with Michele

    Michele will take you through a series of stretches to lengthen, open and release tension in your neck, shoulders, trapezius, deltoids and spine.

    The mainly floor based sequence will take you through poses that deliver traction and circulation to the spine and neck. Breath based micro-movements ...

  • Working with Back Injuries in Yoga Classes with Michele

    Get expert tips for how to work with back pain or a back injury in online and offline yoga classes.

    This short 15 minute guide will give you some safety tips, and show some common mistakes in yoga poses.

    Michele discovered yoga while working with knee injuries and has a special interest in w...

  • IN 30 with Michele

    Improve joint mobility and open your whole body while gradually getting wound down, de-stressed and softened in our popular IN class with Michele.

    This entirely floor based yoga/physiotherapy class will reach deeper in to muscle, joints and attachments, releasing and stretching deeply. Release...

  • Desk Yoga with Michele

    A desk sequence you can perform without leaving your chair. If you're on your computer reading this - why not just do it now?

    Release hips, back, legs, shoulders, arms, hands and neck in the time it takes to have a tea break. With everyone spending too much time on the computer, this mini seque...