WILD 60 with Brooke
WILD is a unique combination of Yoga’s strength poses, Kundalini Yoga, Core strengthening, Qui Gong, HIIT and Super Slow training.. The smart way to get toned and strong and ripped (not torn.)
Constant movement combined with long slow strength holds bring about an effective and safe combination of freedom and control. WILD Strengthens and sculpts every inch of your body while benefitting your joints. We work core, legs, neck, arms, back and glutes in a smart but powerful way.
This high energy, stamina building class is great for endurance. Perfect for flexible people who need to strengthen and the strong who want to keep fit and get loose. If you are looking for weight loss, long lean muscle and cardio vascular conditioning this is the class for you.
Level - suitable for all levels
Props needed - just you and a mat, a block can be useful if you are a bit stiff - water and a great playlist recommended
Demonstrated by Daniel Gleeson.