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Physical, emotional and mental releases will leave you energised and feeling bright and full of vitality. Gentle flowing movements and energy awareness open the body and energetic channels, remove stagnation and deliver a sense of openness and well-being.
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Pigeon Pose Tutorial with Michele
Michele illuminates the Pigeon pose, it's benefits, cautions and modifications in this helpful 14 minute tutorial that will also help yoga students discover more about this incredible gluteus, psoas and hip flexor stretch. Learn how to work with tightness or knee injuries, find alternatives, or p...
Deeper IN - Mini Deep Core and IN Mas...
An effective de-stressing floor series to open hips, hamstrings, spine, quads and shoulders.
Spine Balancing, Saddle, Twisted Child, Runners Stretch, Froggie, Shoulder Opening, Cow Face, Reclining Half Moon and Moore - the class gradually goes deeper in. Take half an hour out to reconnect and d... -
FG2 60 in Tuscany with Michele
FG2 our use friendly intermediate class is suitable for general level practitioners too. It offers variations for those that wish to explore. The sequence varies from class to class to keep us on our toes. Expect the template FG class with warm up, strengthening, standing poses, abs and arms, de...