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Fierce in 4 Weeks

Short Flow Sequence with Michele in Tuscany


Up Next in WEEK 3

  • FG2/Primal 15 minute Mashup with Tuul...

    A mainly Standing sequence combining the FG2 Sun Salutation with the Primal Warrior Series with a short warm down. These more Intermediate poses delivered in a flow, leave you feeling worked out, enlivened and strengthened.

  • WILD 60 with Tuuli

    WILD is a unique combination of Yoga’s strength poses, Kundalini Yoga, Core strengthening, Qui Gong, HIIT and Super Slow training. The smart way to get toned and strong and ripped (not torn.)

    Constant movement combined with long slow strength holds bring about an effective and...

  • Fierce Legs with Tuuli

    Strengthen every muscle from lower back to toes while realigning your hips, knees and ankles with Tuuli.

    Yoga wisdom combined with strength training will tone, sculpt and strengthen every inch of your butt, hips, thighs and calves. Improve the strength of your feet and arches an...