Quick Fix with Tuuli in Spain
FG Outside
Get a faster Fix by practicing the condensed version in sunny garden
This is a super-charged class designed to maintain your practice when you are high on motivation but low on time. The Fix blends elements of all the classes, including the key foundation poses, core strength upper body and ab conditioning as well as deep hip opening. Each quick version is slightly different.
Level - suitable for all levels
Props needed - just you and a mat, optional block for stiff or knee injuries, and strap if you have tight shoulders
Demonstrated by Mich
Up Next in FG Outside
FG2 Mash Up with Michele in Spain
FG2 is a more intermediate version of our Fierce Grace class. This creative mash up has two different Sun Salutation sequences to warm you up and work your abdominals. Followed by a combination of Warrior poses, safe arm and shoulder strengthening, back bending, leg and hip flexor stretches, more...
Quick FIIT (Legs, Arms & Abs) with Mi...
A re-style of our high intensity strength class FIIT where instead of working each body part in each section, we work one body part per section. This 14 minute strength workout will tone your legs, glutes, arms, upper back and abdominals. Legs x 3 exercises, arms x 3, Abs x 3. A short warm down t...
Complete Leg Stretching with Michele ...
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