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Morning Rites with Michele

Wake Up and Energise • 11m

Up Next in Wake Up and Energise

  • Primal 30 with Michele

    Get back your primitive, animal freedom with this condensed version of our popular Primal class, taught by Fierce Grace founder Michele Pernetta.

    Expect the key foundation poses from the FG system. A breath-led Warrior sequence, flowing dance like moves coupled with groan induc...

  • WILD 30 with Michele

    A 30 minute taster session of our uplifting cardio-kundalini, sculpting, strength class.

    GET RIPPED (not torn.) WILD is a unique combination of Yoga’s strength poses, Kundalini Yoga, Core strengthening, Qui Gong, HIIT and Super Slow training. Constant movement combined with lon...

  • Fierce Grace 30 with Michele

    Our classically based yoga class with the FG hallmarks of strength, stamina, fluidity and relaxation with Founder Michele Pernetta. It all started here. The class that we designed to be easily adaptable for all levels.

    Everything you ever wanted in a yoga class. Multi-level, multi-style. Fluid ...