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FG Reset Q&A with Michele - Week 2

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FG Yoga Reset Challenge

FG Reset Q&A with Michele - Week 1

1h 8m

Up Next in Supporting Materials

  • FG Reset Q&A with Michele - Week 2

    Michele will cover:
    Knee issues
    Warrior series mistakes and demo
    What does an Advanced practise look like?
    Building muscle
    Why the beginning is so hard especially for a muscular person
    Strength vs flexibility
    Yoga and handling difficult emotions
    Standing Bow

  • FG Reset Q&A with Michele - Week 3

    Michele continues her live interactive sessions.

    This week she covers a large array of questions, tips and information including:

    - Padahastasana, Eagle and Prasarita alignment and tips for the stiffer person
    - How to work when one side of the body is weaker or stronger
    - How to work when you...

  • FG Reset Q&A with Michele - Week 4

    Michele answers questions in a recording of her live Q&A in Week 4 of The Reset Challenge.

    Her informative, humorous and down to earth replies and demonstrations illuminate areas we often don't get to discuss.

    Michele will also talk more generally about the benefits of yoga and our relati...