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Featured Category
  • Speedy WILD 30 with Tuuli

    An energising workout in 30 minutes. Breath-based movements for cardiovascular awakening, strength training, and mobilisation. This class will get you super-fit, while the breath work clears your mind and calms the soul.

  • 12 Minute Primal Warrior Flow with Steve

    A short 12 minute warm up followed by the Primal Warrior poses for when you’re short on time or want an effective warm up before performing one of our deep stretch classes.

  • 25 minute Marathon Stretch with Michele

    An innovative series of stretches for the entire body focussing on the muscles of the legs, hips, quads, calves, Achilles, feet, lower back, pelvis, and hamstrings. Deeply release tightness, tease out tired muscles and aid recovery after a tough leg workout.

    Suitable for all levels - athletes, r...

  • Fierce Grace 60 with Chi

    The one hour version of the signature class in the FG system taught by Chi.

    A user-friendly but challenging general level class, Fierce Grace is everything you ever wanted in a yoga class. Multi-level, multi-style. Fluid and expansive. Strength and power balanced by depth and relaxation. The Fie...

  • Foundation 60 with Michele

    At last a dynamic, restructuring foundation class that keeps you working hard, realigning your whole body, developing correct technique, while strengthening safely.
    This yoga/physiotherapy class draws on elements from all the FG classes. Realign joints by utilizing scientifically proven physioth...

  • Back Strengthening Sequence 30 with Kam

    A section of poses from our stabilisation class S.O.B class that improve the lower back through psoas release, muscular strength, flexibility and whole body integration. Yoga and physiotherapy poses cross over to provide a satisfying sequence for all levels and for the fit as well as anyone exper...

  • FG2 15 Minute Blast in The Desert with Michele

    The FG2 Sun Salutation and the FG2 60 Warrior Series in a condensed 15 minute invigorating session.
    Enjoy the virtual breeze, sand, sun and open space while flowing through our flowing sequence.
    Featuring the wonderful 1982 VW Vanagon camper van.

    Level: Intermediate
    Props: Block and Strap useful...

  • HIIT Body Blast 27 min with Richard

    Rich takes you through a series of strengthening exercises to get your heart and breath pumping, and your arms, legs, glutes and abs powered up. An intense Hiit/Yoga blend, you'll want to add this to your weekly fitness regime.
    A great way to start or finish your day, you'll feel energised and sc...

  • Mini Fix 15 with Michele in East Hampton

    A 10 minute standing series followed by 5 minutes of arm and ab strengtheners and a short stretch. Perfect for when you have no time but need a quick yoga blast that will get your whole body fired up and stretched out and your breath flowing.

    Level: All levels
    Props: A brick and/or a strap can b...

  • IN and WILD 22 minute Mash Up with Michele in Tuscany

    Start with poses from our Wild Class and finish with poses from IN (with a few surprises.)

    Work legs, back, arms, breath, stamina and raise your heart rate. Then stretch, release tight muscles and fascia in spine, hips, arms, legs, hands, shoulders and chest and release your breath.

  • FG2 Mash Up with Michele in Spain

    FG2 is a more intermediate version of our Fierce Grace class. This creative mash up has two different Sun Salutation sequences to warm you up and work your abdominals. Followed by a combination of Warrior poses, safe arm and shoulder strengthening, back bending, leg and hip flexor stretches, more...

  • Fix Group Class with Steve in Spain

    The Fix is a condensed, uplifting version of everything. A strong warm up, balancing poses, warrior poses and core, arm and back strengthening, followed by deep leg and hip stretches.

  • Yoga Nidra in the Forest with Michele

    Michele leads a short Yoga Nidra, a journey through the workings of the mind, to help us drop the mind and allow the feeling-being to awaken. Yoga Nidra helps us to connect more deeply with ourselves, our body, breath and relaxed state. Enjoy the sounds of nature in the Tuscan forest.

  • IN the WILD with Tuuli in Tuscany

    A 28 minute blend of Wild and IN poses - repetitive movements based on the breath to open the body, followed by deep slow stretches.

    Suitable for all levels.
    A block can be useful if you are feeling a bit stiff or have knee issues.

  • FG2 60 with Michele

    FG2 60 is a shorter variation of FG2 90/75 with new sequencing in the warrior series, a more intense balancing series, and new arms and abs. It may be shorter but don’t be fooled by the length - you’ll get a power-packed 60-minute workout and burn plenty of calories.

    Props: 2 bricks/blocks and a...

  • S.O.B. Knees with Kam

    Kam takes you through the knee aligning and strengthening poses from our popular foundation and alignment class S.O.B as ell as some the other popular whole body poses. The class builds muscular support and stabilisation for the muscles of the whole body but this class concentrates on the legs, t...

  • HIIT 30 #2 with Richard

    An energetic 30 minute body weight workout incorporating functional movements, yoga, cardio, core stability and a yoga warm down. This well rounded session will leave you feeling invigorated and relaxed ready for your day.

    Demonstrated by Olga.

  • FG2 60 with Daniel

    Daniel guides you through a 60 minute version of FG2, our intermediate class.

    Experiment with more developed versions of poses, allowing more experienced students deeper exploration, while beginners can remain safely in the earlier expression of the pose. Suitable for FG students who want to try...

  • WILD 30 with Kam

    A 30 minute taster session of our uplifting cardio-kundalini, sculpting, strength class.

    GET RIPPED (not torn.) WILD is a unique combination of Yoga’s strength poses, Kundalini Yoga, Core strengthening, Qui Gong, HIIT and Super Slow training. Constant movement combined with long slow strength h...

  • Deep Stretch, Deep Core, Go IN with Michele

    Michele combines the deepest stretch poses from Deep Core and IN to specifically release hips, legs, glutes, spine, pelvis, hamstrings, quads, shoulders, neck, and wrists.
    Stretch and relax.

    All levels
    Demonstrated by Oscar

  • Crescent Lunge Mash Up 15 with Michele

    Three flowing sequences based in a Sun Salutation format. Each 5 minute mini flow takes you into hamstring, hip flexor, and quad stretches, Plank, DD, Dragons, and twists. Each flow gradually intensifies.

    Stretch, Strengthen, and Ignite. If it made Daniel sweat you're in for a treat!


  • FIIT 60 with Daniel


    What happens when classical yoga meets traditional Bootcamp and cardio drills in a high intensity interval training format? An east/west fusion that gets you FIIT FAAST.

    Expect a fluid yoga-inspired warm up, Yoga/HIIT hybrid dr...

  • Washed

    New York students and teachers perform, pose and dance in the rain.

    Say hello to freedom and fun in our latest FG video.

  • Classic 75 with Daniel

    Classic - the popular alignment based class that equally strengthens and stretches.

    The 75 minute versions leaves you thoroughly worked, opened, and relaxed.

    A classical yoga class that teaches discipline, focus and strength, and easily accessible for the beginner and experienced alike.
